Medical-orthopaedic solution

Reduce absences from work



Your employees wear safety shoes all day and cover enormous distances. This places extreme strain on the feet and the entire musculoskeletal system.

The result is often foot, knee and back pain. This impairs the quality of life of those affected and often leads to sick leave and absences from work.

For a confident appearance

Your employees wear safety shoes all day and cover enormous distances. This places extreme strain on the feet and the entire musculoskeletal system. The result is often foot, knee and back pain. This impairs the quality of life of those affected and often leads to sick leave and absences from work.


The effect of insoles is proven

72% have less pain 69% can move more easily 38% have a more secure hold in their shoes 25% have improved their balance


Did you already know?

Orthopaedic insoles have been proven to alleviate and effectively prevent foot, knee and back pain. In Germany, more than 12 million people - one in five adults - wear orthopaedic insoles. But not in safety shoes - even though this is the shoe worn most often by many industrial workers! GetSteps offers the solution: the simplest process to obtain customised certified insoles for safety shoes.



  • customised for you personally
  • Reduce absenteeism and accidents at work
  • Increase productivity
  • Available for > 2,500 different safety shoe models