The work of Tafel Dortmund would be inconceivable without the active help of many people. Over 400 volunteers are regularly involved in Tafel Dortmund in order to collect between 80,000 kg and 100,000 kg of food week after week and distribute it to around 14,000 people. ATLAS has stood side-by-side with Tafel Dortmund for several years and supports the organisation among other things with storage areas for food and personal protective equipment.

ATLAS and KINDERLACHEN (“Children’s Laughter”)
On a non-profit basis and with a great many voluntary helpers Kinderlachen supports children in need all over Germany with what they need most urgently. This includes furniture, materials for school and leisure, medical equipment, beds and much more. Many projects have already been implemented together with ATLAS, true to the motto "Children's laughter is the most beautiful laughter".

About 1,500 zoo animals need a considerable amount of fodder. The item feed is an important estimate in the budget of the zoo. In the current economic situation Dortmund Zoo, like other cultural institutions, is dependent on help. By taking on an annual sponsorship ATLAS supports the zoo in its work.